Manure Management and Application

Successful Manure Management with Leu AGRO.

Leu Agro involved on the Manure Project at the Rusmolco Dairy Operation ( ) in Penza Russia this spring.

After 2 years in to the development of the Agri (Commodities Production) and Dairy-Agri Platform (Feed Production), we were faced with some issue on the proper application of Manure. The issue is about in the size of 300’000 m3 annually that will need to be properly applied in the non-winter season of the Penza Region what is mainly from end of April to end of October.

We have proper storage for 6 month of output from the Dairy Barn’s what accumulates to about 150’000 m3 ready for application end of April every year. The initial planned application with Irrigation Equipment, (Center Pivot’s) was not as successful as planned in the initial stage of the entire project, the main reason is that the manure separation cannot successful deliver the manure in a form to apply with this Irrigation Machine’s.

Leu AGRO did take over this Project last winter and created a new application Project:
Project Parameter:
  • 2 Dairy Farms in a distance of 40 km, each with a rough output of 150’000 m3 annually (300’000 m3 Total).
  • The Manure Solid Content is up to 5%.
  • Application rate annually not to exceed 100 m3 / ha, development area for application at each location  1’500 ha (3’000 ha Total).
  • Application days per season on average 100 days, taking in consideration Fields in Crop and Weather Condition.


 Solution, Equipment and Supplier:
  • The end solution of the project is as follow:
    • Proper in soil application of the Manure for best in class utilization of the Applied Nutrients (Fertilizer)
    • Combined System of Drag Hose / Reel Applicator, supported by large scale Manure Tanker.



Veenhuis Equipment ( ), as partner deliver with his Russian Dealer TST-AGRO ( ), the Rotomax Hose reel Application Equipment supported by their Quanta Mobile System Manure Pump, with a per Hour application rate of up to 180 m3.



Veenhuis Equipment ( ), as partner deliver with his Russian Dealer TST-AGRO ( ), as well 1 – Tri Axle (26 m3) and 1 – Quad Axle (40 m3) Manure Tanker.



Veenhuis Equipment ( ), as partner deliver with his Russian Dealer TST-AGRO ( ), as support units 1 Field Container as Reservoir, and 1 High Output Manure Pump to supply the Manure to the Rotomax / Quanta Pump Application unit.



Drag Hose mobile supply line in 150 mm, Angus – Drag Hose Equipped with 2400 meter Hose Cart and Hose Mover.  ( ).



Underground Pipeline System with an up to 300 mm Manure Pipeline to service the System and application area is in Project Stage, this supply Pipeline will reach a length up to 12 km at the final stage, equipped with Booster Pump station and Hydrants this system will be a low labor operation with a daily output and application of up 5500 m3 per day, working with a 2 shift operation.

The planned labor requirements for this entire system, ( Hose Reel and 2 – Tanker) should be 4 operator per shift.

The application Equipment was delivered in 3 steps from June till October 2014, and we finalized proper application of Manure before Ground Freeze around the middle of November.

The Manure supply line 2014 was used our existing 150 mm flexible above ground hose, for smooth labor friendly application it is planned to finalize underground pipeline construction and exploitation in the first half 2015.


For further information on the project and support possible new project please contact       Leu – AGRO.

Please see more Picture …………………… Leu – AGRO Manure Management / Application Picture.




Leu AGRO Update ......