Leu – AGRO News Update on the latest Project Development.
In the 2019 Leu AGRO was able to push forward the Development of its Subsidiary Volga Baikal AGRO LLC., this with the great Unique and Capable Team we have put together in early 2019.
The Project is involving the Development of Grain and Cattle Farming Operation with integrated Irrigation and Vegetable Farming in the greater Volga Region of the Russian Federation. Team Leu AGRO will together with its Subsidiary Volga Baikal AGRO LLC., communicate and create more detailed updates on the Project Website, so please check back more frequent under
http://volgabaikalagro.leuagro.com …………..(click the Link)
The Team Leu AGRO and Volga Baikal AGRO LLC., looking forward to an exciting and interesting new Year in our Project and Company Development.
Please check back with us more frequent and get in Contact with us if you are interested to learn more, or if you have interest in being part of this Unique Project with Endless Possibilities !!!